Growth Capital Planning: Getting to Your Next Round or an Exit

Effective capital planning becomes a key priority as companies transition from early-stage funding rounds to more substantial growth phases.

Check out our lively on-demand webinar

Featuring experienced tech and finance leaders who will discuss comprehensive strategies for:

  • Capital Planning
    Learn how to source and allocate capital for maximum growth, stability, and runway — and how to adjust these strategies in response to market changes.
  • Metrics to Hone
    Discover which financial metrics are critical for tracking progress and attracting further investments.
  • Exit Options
    Explore various exit options suitable for different stages of growth and how to prepare your business for these potential outcomes.

This session is designed for tech company leaders and financial officers looking to refine their growth strategies and extend their financial runway.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your company’s financial strategies and prepare for successful scaling.

Register now to watch the recording. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • TIMIA invests in B2B technology companies that:

    • Have at least $1.5m in annual recurring revenue
    • Have a proven product-market fit (10+ clients)
    • Are delivering gross margin >50%
    • Operate capital efficient SaaS or tech-enabled services businesses
  • TIMIA invests in B2B technology companies based in the U.S. or Canada.

  • Once approved, SaaS companies can qualify for an upfront cash injection of 6-9 times their current MRR.

  • TIMIA offers both interest-only (2 to 3 year term) or amortized (3 to 6 year term) loans. Read more here.


  • Yes, TIMIA is comfortable taking a subordinated position to other lenders.


  • To make the process as seamless as possible, please have the following details handy before scheduling an initial call:

    • Revenue structure/model
    • Annual recurring revenue or monthly recurring revenue
    • Monthly burn rate (Is this less than 50% of MRR?)
    • Annual growth rate
    • Gross margin