What is Private Credit?
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What is Private Credit?

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Catherine Daly
Content Strategist
Photo by Austin Smart on Unsplash

Private credit or private debt is any non-bank lending activity. In other words, it is any debt investments that are not financed by banks and are not issued or traded in an open market.

It’s important to note that the term ‘private’ refers only to the entity providing the debt and not to the borrowing entity, which could be privately held or publicly listed. 

Like traditional forms of debt capital, private credit is typically used by borrowers to obtain capital for purposes such as:

  • Financing business expansion activities
  • Meeting working capital needs and infrastructure
  • Funding infrastructure or real estate development
  • Buying out tired investors


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Catherine Daly
Content Strategist

Catherine joined TIMIA Capital as a freelance copywriter and social media manager in January 2019. She has 15 years experience in marketing and held senior positions at a number of technology companies including Hootsuite, Absolute, and Avnet Technology Solutions. Catherine is an expert writer and marketer and holds an executive Masters in Marketing, a Bachelor of Science in Communications and Journalism, and a Diploma in Digital Marketing.