Amortized Loans

TIMIA’s Amortized Loans are ideal for bootstrapped or lightly capitalized companies looking to grow their business without dilution.

Lasso MD, San Diego, CA
Wagepoint, Atlanta, GA

Is an Amortized Loan Right for You?

TIMIA’s Amortized Loans are unique, non-dilutive loans for recurring (or repeat) revenue technology businesses. Principal payments start low and ladder up each year, so you can put your capital to work in the early years.

Eligible Companies

Each loan is tailored based on the specific metrics of your technology company. We offer risk-adjusted pricing to reflect your company’s unique characteristics.

  • Generating
    $2M-20M ARR
  • Recurring revenue technology businesses
  • Based in U.S. or Canada
  • Proven
    product-market fit
    (10+ clients)
  • Delivering gross margin >50%

How an Amortized Loan Works

  • TIMIA has a three-phase proprietary tech-enabled lending process. We work with you to complete the phases quickly.
  • Once approved, get an upfront cash injection of up to 6–12 times your current MRR.
  • Repay the loan over 3-6 years, repayments grow as your revenue increases.
  • Risk-adjusted rates between 15-18%
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Benefits of Debt Capital

  • Retain ownership and control

    We won’t ask for equity in your company, board seats, or personal guarantees. What’s yours is yours. Period.

  • Flexible repayment plans

    Your fixed payments increase as your ARR grows so you’ve time to breathe and focus on your business without worrying about high repayments in the early days.

  • You decide how to spend the capital

    Unlike other lenders, TIMIA doesn’t tell you how to run your business. Spend the growth capital as you wish.

  • We move as fast as you

    Our tech-enabled lending process expedites your application so you can access capital within weeks.

Having previous fundraising experience, I was looking for an alternative to traditional venture funding. I wanted to keep all the equity in the company, if possible. Someone suggested I look into revenue-based financing and I came across TIMIA. I’m very happy that this is the direction we’ve chosen.

Jennifer Mercer
CEO, Metazoa

In the uncertain banking climate, it is great to have someone who is willing to help support our mission.

Timothy Holifield
SafePointe CEO

If there is an equity round, we'll be in a better negotiation spot. If there isn't an equity round, we'll be in a better position for an exit or M&A. Either way we'll be in better shape with TIMIA than we would have been otherwise.

Eric Klinker
CEO, Resilio
Eric Klinker, CEO, Resilio

Finding flexible and non-dilutive financing solutions to help us to continue our 40%+ growth is not easy in the software as a service or SaaS sector. We look forward to partnering with TIMIA through the course of our financing facility with them.

Mike Togyi
CEO, BasicGov

Is an Amortized Loan Right for You?

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