Joel Lessem, former President at Firmex, and current TIMIA Investor.

Attractive Yields for Accredited Investors

TIMIA Capital’s limited partnership provides an opportunity to invest in a diversified portfolio of North American technology companies that delivers attractive yields through monthly income distributions.

  • No missed payments to investors since inception of first fund, 2015
  • 12% target return (Class Y)
  • Active Credit Monitoring to minimize credit losses
  • Industry-leading transparency via quarterly financial disclosures
Schedule a call with Matthew

Distributions may vary year to year based on changes to the net asset value of the limited partnership. There is no assurance that the partnership will make distributions at its targeted rate. This is a risky investment. Significant losses can occur in the portfolio if defaults occur with underlying investments.

TIMIA's track record since inception in 2015

  • 13.25%
    Average historical return
  • Zero
    (Total credit loss of $138,000)
  • 46
    Loan investments
  • 20
    Successful early exits
Noibu Team, Ottawa, ON

Typical Deal Profile

  • Companies have annual revenue of $2M to $20M
  • Facility size ~$4M with first advance of ~$1M
  • 2 to 5-year terms, with escalating payments over term
  • Loan facilities priced between 14-19% per annum
  • Additional returns from early exit premiums
  • General Security Agreements over all company assets
  • 80% of investments in US Currency, remainder in Canadian Currency
Schedule a call with Matthew

Market Overview

TIMIA has developed a proprietary loan origination platform that services private market, high-yield loan opportunities, thereby earning recurring fees and a share of the profit. While focusing on the fast growing, global, business-to-business Software-as-a-Service (or SaaS) segment, TIMIA’s automated loan origination system is applicable to multiple technology sectors, it creates scalable and profitable growth for TIMIA’s stakeholders.

  • Offers a unique debt solution for companies with annual revenue ranging from $2 million to $20 million
  • Debt financing solutions provide a longer term horizon and leave control with the entrepreneur while being protected by a secured position and monthly cash payments
  • Track record of consistently delivering predictable, market leading returns
  • Publicly-traded company subject to public reporting regulations

Proactive Risk Management

  • Before Funding

    - Companies' trailing two year financials are vetted via TIMIA's proprietary qualitative and quantitative credit scoring system.

  • After Funding

    - On a monthly basis, continuous analysis of performance metrics provides the ability to act early
    - Investors receive quarterly reporting

Fund Overview

Target Return * Class Y 12% Closing Continuous
Management Fee 2% Term 10 Years
Use of Leverage Maximum 30% DRIP available Yes
Minimum Investment  $250,000 Redemption** Quarterly, no fee after 12 months
Fund Currency USD Eligibility Accredited Investors,
Friends & Family


* The distributions can be expected to vary from year to year based on the variations in the net asset value of the Partnership. There can be no assurance that the Partnership will be able to make distributions at its targeted rate.
** Subject to redemption provisions laid out in the offering memorandum

This is a risky investment. Significant losses can occur in the portfolio if defaults occur with underlying investments

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Prior Fund Metrics

  • 13.7% IRR (net to investor since inception)
    28% of investment from TIMIA founders
  • 12.8% IRR (expected return to investors)
    27% of investment from TIMIA founders

Transparency: Detailed Quarterly Reporting


Portfolio Concentration Disclose the top 5 holdings and any holding over 10% of the fund
Borrower Exposure Publish Expected loan Loss continuity table. 

Disclose non-cash income, if any

Related Party Transactions Disclose any transaction involving management, directors or limited partners
Loan to Value Summarize loan value1 across the portfolio 


1 using value proxy such as annual revenue

TIMIA Capital Team


Our management and executive team comprises technology finance experts as well as former entrepreneurs and angel investors. We’ve been in the tech space for a long time—long enough to have seen the ups and downs of several economic cycles. We know there are easier sectors to grow a finance business but one thing we all share is a passion for technology and value creation—value for the founders we invest in and for our shareholders and investors. Our diverse experience creates an environment of governance and accountability for all stakeholders.

Above all, we’re good people. And we invest in good people building good companies.

Experienced Management Team

    • Mike joined the company as the CEO in August 2015, building the Company to $140M in AuM
    • Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Fronterra Capital
    • Managing Partner, CFO at Chrysalix Energy
    • 20-plus years of experience in Canada’s venture capital and private equity industry
    • Cofounder and partner in Tech Capital Partners Inc.
    • Founder of TCP Property Inc.
    • Accountant at PwC
    • Investment manager at Working Ventures
    • TIMIA Origination 2017 – 2022
    • Previously an Associate Director at Espresso Capital
    • Actively involved in the startup community both advising early stage software companies
    • Selection Committee for Canadian Financing Forum and BC Tech Summit Investor Showcase.
    • Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) in Finance from the University of British Columbia.
    • Canadian chartered accountant
    • 16 years audit and assurance experience with PwC
    • Specialist in accounting and financial reporting under IFRS, ASPE, Public Sector Accounting Standards, US GAAP, and SEC Reporting in a variety of industry including technology and insurance
    • Graduate of University of Western Ontario
    • Joined TIMIA in 2018
    • Growing B2B SaaS companies since 2008
    • Instructor at BCIT for 8.5 years

TIMIA Capital III Closing Information


Series Class Y
Fundserv Code BEL (insert)
Target Return 12%
Close Date Monthly
Minimum $250,000 USD
Unit Issue Price $10 USD
Monthly Distributions Commence one month after closing
Detailed term sheet, OM, LP Agreement and Subscription Agreement available
Matthew Priebe

Schedule a call with Matthew

Fill out the form below and let’s discuss if it’s a fit for you. We can also provide the term sheet and offering memorandum.

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